Sunday, March 30, 2014

eBay!: Gun to knife fight? More like an Abrams tank to a tea party. AKA, POWER AKA Shit just got real.

Remember when I said our turbocharger was broken? Like this.

So the factory turbo wasn't great to start with. It's ceramic compressor wheel would have had a hard time reaching 13-14psi and would run out of steam around 220-250hp. There is another factory Nissan turbo from the RB25 that is a common upgrade, but still with the ceramic wheel. Might hit 300hp with it. Not good enough.

So, what to do? Well we start looking for a new turbo. We want something with a T3 exhaust housing, metal compressor wheel and is made by a reputable manufacturer. So we look at factory turbocharged engines. So some homework, and we find this.

That's right. This is a 2004 Dodge Ram Cummins Diesel Super Duty truck.

And this is the turbocharger from that truck. Behold, the Holset HY35 HE341 Type D.

It is conservatively twice the size of the factory turbocharger. Notice the water bottle and spray can for scale.

Massive intake and massive intercooler inlet. The downpipe side is gigantic too. 4.4 inch V-band means making a new downpipe will be easier than using a 6-bolt downpipe. All we need is a 4 inch pipe and a bender.

Again, not a trailblazer. This has been done and I'm simply applying a known formula.

That's our engine and our turbo in a Skyline chassis.

So what does it mean for us? Our factory turbo would be lucky to make 14psi before breaking. The Holset doesn't even wake up until 15psi and can flow as much as 25-30psi. We would have lucky to make 250whp on the factory turbocharger. Now, with a stock engine we can run 20psi and make 420-450whp. If we rebuild the engine with stronger pistons, rods and head studs and we can run 30psi and make 550-600whp. Not bad for $200 shipped to my door with a manifold attached.

We're now 100hp over our goal with proper tuning. With a diesel turbo, they spool fast, so we should be fully spooled by 4000 rpm, and it will hold power until 8000. This turbo will flow much more power than our engine can flow air.

This shifts our car entirely. No longer are we building a gentleman's sports car for Sunday cruises and long distance trips. We're now going full tilt boogie street bruiser. Mostly factory on the outside, but race car engine and suspension. Still good for trips, but ready to rip your face off with that skinny right pedal.

Also, having a real hard time sticking with White. A fast Datsun should be white, but a Bonkers, stupid fast Datsun might have to be cartoon Orange.