Sunday, November 22, 2015

Lets dust this off.....

Huh. This is still a thing? Man, it's been over a year since I've done anything here. What have I been up too?

Not much. Quit my job at Ford. Bought my own auto repair shop and worked by myself for a while. I'm having another child. I had a couple of heart attacks. Had open heart surgery.

No big deal.

The car though, thats where things get interesting. Let me show you the biggest development.

Yep. It's been loaded on a trailer and is gone. As you can see I started making it orange.

With the surgery and my current health and another kid on the way I just won't have time to work and medical bills are stacking up so it had to go.

I enjoyed working on the car and I'm sure something else will come along eventually. In the mean time, get out there and get an old car of your own and rebuild it.

It's fun.