Saturday, March 2, 2013

First inspection: Engine bay.

So, body needed some work. Lets see how our engine bay looks, other than empty of course.

Lots of hoses, lots of wires. Most of it will be scrapped.and replaced with engine specific equipment. Let's look at some specific work that needs to be done.

Our firewall looks decent. Some repair needs to be done on the passenger side. Some of those grommet holes will need to be filled and we might lose that hood latch depending on our engine choice.
Hmmmm. This is odd. We appear to have a new brake master cylinder. However we also have a brake fluid leak. Brake fluid can be nasty stuff. You can see how it's eaten the paint. An upgrade to the brake hydraulic system will be in order. We needed better brakes anyway.

There are two spots that are going to be tricky/time consuming to fix. This battery tray is the first. The tray is easy. We cut it off and we relocate the battery to the trunk for better weight distribution. The real problem here is the fact that you can see the ground. That is (was) the wheel well liner. Once the tray is out of the way before the engine bay is painted we need to replace this panel. We might have to make our own and weld it in. This means I will have to shape and form sheet metal to match the original curve. Not impossible, but not something I've done before. Looking forward to posting the process.

The inside of our hood tells us something. The first two stickers mean nothing, the bottom sticker however is a label for aftermarket MSD ignition coil system. That tells me that the under hood wiring might be tampered with. It also tells me that this was an enthusiast owned car at some point.

There's a lot to be done, but until we decide on a power train the only thing we can do is strip the engine bay, repair the wheel well, spot weld the chassis and paint it.

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